In the state of Maryland, Howard County Executive Ken Ulman has, by executive order, barred one private citizen from access to all county services, including the Department of Social Services and the Department of Human Rights. Furthermore he has demanded that any and all request for information, services and documents, required to continue services already received and qualified for are to be ignored and not answered. As a result of Ulmans executive order, private citizen has had his only access to medical care, Medicare, terminated by both the Howard County Department of Social Services, who has refused to provide recertification forms for at least 4 months now, and the Social Security Administration, even though he is currently qualified for the coverage and has been for most of a decade.
It appears the reason for Ulmans aggressive and illegal actions against a single private citizen are because of his desire to silence all critics before what may be a failed re-election bid launched by the County Executive. Private citizen has been responsible, in the past for exposing the seedy underbelly of Ulmans administration and his back room wheeling and dealing with the likes of wealthy slumlord and Democratic Party fund raiser, Philip E. Ratcliffe. Ulman was personally asked by citizen to reverse his criminal order, but the County Executive refused.
In the case of Maryland, both Ulman and O'Malley have their sights on higher office, and the prospects of their connections to nefarious types derailing their hunger for wealth and power, justifies in their eyes, squelching that information by any means necessary. Again, it's the same old same old, profit over lives. Their profit over our lives.
But the thirst for justice, by those with little economic and political power will not stop here. Even in war, which can last decades and centuries, governments don't tire till the population gets sick of the bloodshed. Likewise with corrupt governments, like Ulmans and others, the abuse of private citizens will not cease till the electorate gets sick of the bloodshed. Unfortunately, in the case of individual abuse, the blood is shed by one abused citizen at a time, as opposed to the tens or hundreds of thousands in wartime, and because of our Judeo-Christian heritage we have a huge appetite for and tolerance of bloodshed. As evidenced by any news broadcast, bloodshed is synonymous with entertainment, and we have amused ourselves to death. This will take generations to be corrected. It'll not be in my lifetime or most of yours.
As is the case in Howard County and Ken Ulmans administration, those people who claim to be the most progressive and advanced are actually the most backward and primitive, but eventually the world will change. Unfortunately too late for most of us.